Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We Planted a Tree

For a belated Father's day present Kathy got me a tree to plant in our bank yard. We do have a large backyard so we went with an Autum "Blaze" Maple to give the kids some nice shade to play in (in about 7 years). We also go Skyler her first Bike. She loves it, every day now its "I wnat my bike. Let's go outside." and she is sooooo cute to watch peddle.

Chase's Birthday

Chase had his 1st birthday on June 18th. i cant believe its been a whole year since Chase desided to grace us with his presence. As you can see he loved his cake.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Softball is finally over

so not much has happened in June so far. we have been having April weather where it rains everyday and the temps have been in the 60's and low 70's. Not really the June weather that we were expecting. Also Skyler has finished softball. I'm not really sure how to describe the season. It was neat to go and watch Skye play with others, but i don't know how her coach did it. with 10 girls between 3 and 6 just wanting to sit and pick grass. i drove me crazy just watching. Also for some reason when we first started we thought that the games would be about 30 minutes but they go for an HOUR. And I have to tell you that after 20 minutes Skye was done every week. But she was absolutely the cutest one to run the bases all year. She would trot as fast as she could with her hands straigh down her sides trying not to let the huge helmet tip her over (which it did a few time, and that was stinking hilarious). Below are are few pics from her last game. Brad

Monday, May 25, 2009

Baby Blessing

Here are some photos from Paul and Miranda's baby blessing of Dalyce.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Dance Competition

Skyler had her first dance Competition this Saturday. She loved every minute of it, she even got a trophy. we would show you a video of her first dance but as soon as she walked on stage she saw us sitting in the front row and forgot all about her dance routine and just wavied and stared at us.

Lesson learned. We need to sit in the back. But please watch the video that we posted of her second dance routine...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter was fun

Easter was fun this year. We went to my parents house and goofed around all Sunday

it was good to see Mark and Dad having a good time. Mark seems to be ajusting to life in Utah pretty well

Skyler and Chase loved all the presents that the Easter Bunny brought them.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Skyler's first softball game

Skye had her first Softball game this week, she was soooooooo cute

Her coach told her to stay in position and she did all game, no matter how close the ball was hit to her. I dont even think the wind moved one hair on her head. She was a statue, and she looked good.

Brad thought that she looked like a Tootsie Pop, with ther skinny boby and the big black batting hat on. she almost fell down a few times when she ran the bases.....actually she did fall hard one time. the helmet got a little to far infront of the rest of her body.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009


If you dont like looking at naked kids taking a bath then you may want to skip this posting....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

the teeth are coming

The Chaseman's first 2 teeth are now in clear view for everyone to see and the doctor this week says he has 4 more coming. He's been a cranky little kid this week and we thought it was the teeth but he actualy had a small ear infection. And the medicine that we gave him for that makes him poop all day, so he gets cranky from that too. we just have to wait for everything to heal at once i guess.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dance Recital

Skyler had her first dance recital and she was far and away the best dancer in her group. Lets just say that she did not get her stage presence from her dad or else she would have cried and tried to run off the stage tripping and falling over herself, embaressing every family member there. Instead she held her final poise a good 5 seconds longer than the other girls and was the last one off the stage.

new camera

Our old camera wasnt working so well so with some help from our friends Ryan and Mary we finally got a new one. and i have to say it is sooooo much easier to use and take way better pictures than our old one. Also we are going to be able to video Skyler's dancing and softball in the mext month or two. And yes, Skye does like her sloppyjoes open. this way she can look at the yumminess.