Sunday, June 14, 2009

Softball is finally over

so not much has happened in June so far. we have been having April weather where it rains everyday and the temps have been in the 60's and low 70's. Not really the June weather that we were expecting. Also Skyler has finished softball. I'm not really sure how to describe the season. It was neat to go and watch Skye play with others, but i don't know how her coach did it. with 10 girls between 3 and 6 just wanting to sit and pick grass. i drove me crazy just watching. Also for some reason when we first started we thought that the games would be about 30 minutes but they go for an HOUR. And I have to tell you that after 20 minutes Skye was done every week. But she was absolutely the cutest one to run the bases all year. She would trot as fast as she could with her hands straigh down her sides trying not to let the huge helmet tip her over (which it did a few time, and that was stinking hilarious). Below are are few pics from her last game. Brad