Sunday, November 16, 2008


We decided to start a family blog to keep all of our family and friends updated on all of our wonderful activities. For anyone who hasnt seen our new house, here it is. We moved in on July 29th. If any of you have any stories or pictures you would like us to show please send them to us and we will be happy to post them. Please check us out every few weeks (atleast once a month) for updates!!!! thanks 4 and a cat


Jeff said...

Congrats on the house and yay you all for starting a blog. This will be great.

Gary and Alycia said...

Hey you!! Your house looks beautiful! I can't wait to come and see the rest. I hope everything is going well.

Kristin said...

I love the idea. This blogging thing is new to me. But I will try to keep up on it !!!!